PS 45: The Big Melting Pot

Featuring Art Direction by Michela Muserra (Queens 2021)
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What’s cooking at PS 45? 🥘 In true potluck style, you can find just about any treat to your liking in the these halls sprinkled with a touch of heartfelt affirmations. What better way to debut the school’s new food pantry than a parade of some sweet friends? Thanks to PS 45 for showing us the sort of community support you foster and offering us a seat at the table. Next time, we’re hosting!

The Big Melting Pot – Final

The Big Melting Pot – Process

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Project Details

The Big Melting Pot
P.S.45 (2021)

• Art Direction: Michela Muserra
• 295 Square Feet
• Mixed Media on Drywall
• Contributing Artists @robayala_ @a_gray_sun
• Sponsored by Council Member Adrienne Adams, NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and Cultural After School Adventures

  • Elementary School
  • Interior

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